Health Care Reform: Employer mandate delayed for employers with 50-99 full time workers
On February 10, 2014, the IRS issued final regulations that further delay part of the Affordable Care Act (the health care reform law)...
How The Tax Penalties Work...
So it is written, so it shall be done? But will it? By IT, I mean health insurance. It is now written that you MUST have health...
Creating A Home Inventory Checklist- Please do it!
A Home Inventory Checklist is a valuable tool when calculating the replacement cost of personal property. This is useful when deciding...
13 Things A Burglar Wont Tell You...
1. Of course I look familiar. I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters, or delivering your new...
Children Are Twice As Likely To Be Hit By A Car On Halloween!
Safe Kids Worldwide, a global organization committed to preventing accidental childhood injuries, asserts that children are twice as...
How does your insurance feel about Halloween?
Scenario 1: Your 8-year-old next-door neighbor cuts across your front lawn and trips — maybe on leaves or her own feet. It's unclear...
How you will choose your next health plan...
New in Health Care Reform today... Remember about a year ago when I wrote about how big changes were coming as far as your ability to...
Selecting the Right Car for a Teen Driver - not as easy as you think!!
Choosing the Right Car for a Teen Driver When teenagers reach driving age, parents struggle with the dilemma of whether to purchase a...
Health Insurance: Start filling out the forms now...
The Obama Administration quietly released a draft copy of its “single streamlined application” for Obamacare. This is the form that the...