How Much Home Insurance is Enough
The cost to rebuild your home is its replacement value. This can be very different from the estimated market value or actual purchase...

Enter a Pet Photo to Win a Free Microchip Service
That's right, we're giving away stuff; cuz we roll like that! Show us your pet photos, let the people vote and maybe you can win a free...

Renters Insurance
The Importance of Renters Insurance If you live in a rental home or apartment, chances are you don’t have the proper insurance. Despite...

Salmon Burger Recipe and Fishing Safety
Create great fishing memories for your children No matter what season is winding down, the next season is just another reason to spend on...

Campsites for RV Parking & Breakfast Recipe
Home is Where You Park It – Live. Love. Laugh. Camp. “Wherever you go, there you are.” Whoever said that must have been an RV owner —...

Grilling Safety & Shish Kabob Recipe
Summers mean backyard grilling – safely! Just like hamburgers and hot dogs, a sizzling grill is a symbol of summer and grilling isn’t...

Motorcycle Safety Every Parent Should Be Sure Their Teen Driver is Practicing
Ride safe with these motorcycle tips Motorcyclists know that riding gives them a freedom that driving a car just can’t match. But the...

Firework Safety
When Things go BOOM in the Night - Fireworks Safety For most of us, the Fourth of July is a time to enjoy the company of family and...

Executive Edge Insurance Virtual Tour
Did you know Executive Edge Insurance here in Merced has a virtual tour online? Well, we do. If you want to know how fantastic our...

College Graduation Insurance Tips
Protect your college grad with the right insurance College graduation is an exciting time for students and their parents alike. And,...